How to feel joy in your space with the KonMari Method™!

How to feel joy in your space with the KonMari Method™!

What is the KonMari Method™? The KonMari Method™ encourages tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items),and, finally, sentimental items. Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. If you are experiencing anxiety or [...]

The Ultimate Guide to Dressing Professional: Plus Size Edition

The Ultimate Guide to Dressing Professional: Plus Size Edition

Two-thirds of the American Workforce are "plus sized," yet, we are the hardest to shop for when it comes to professional clothing. Being plus sized myself, I can attest to the struggle to finding clothes that fit. For reference, I am a 20 Tall in pants and a 22 Tall in some other stores. I'm [...]

10 tips millennials want to own their dream home

10 tips millennials want to own their dream home

Millennials are tired of throwing their hard earned low wages at soaring rent prices in over-crowded urban cities. Owning a home or condo seems like a dream to millennials who don’t have their parents or guardians helping them with a down payment or bills. Owning a home is possible, even for us millennials or gen Z. This blog post will provide 10 tips for how YOU can get your dream home.